Your Custom Uniform Store
Your Custom Uniform Store
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Uniform Requirements- South Orange County

Grades TK-4


Monday is “Formal Attire Day” at Oxford, which sets our Champions up for success for the entire week.

  • Jumper (aqua plaid, aqua, or black) or black dress pants
  • White collared button-down blouse or white collared button-down dress shirt (long or short sleeves – tucked in at all times)
  • Tie (aqua plaid or aqua)
  • Letterman sweater or outerwear with coordinating colors (Grey or Aqua)


Monday uniform attire or

  • Solid white or aqua polo
  • Skort (aqua plaid, aqua, or black), shorts (aqua plaid, aqua, or black), or black dress pants
  • Belt (or elastic waistband)
  • Letterman sweater or outerwear with coordinating colors (Grey or Aqua)



  • University t-shirt
  • Dress code appropriate bottoms from own wardrobe

Or standard uniform attire


Grades 5-8 


Monday is “Formal Attire Day” at Oxford, which sets our Champions up for success for the entire week.

  • White collared button-down blouse or white collared button-down dress shirt (long or short sleeves – tucked in at all times)
  • Tie (aqua plaid or aqua)
  • Skirt (aqua plaid, aqua, or black) or black dress pants and belt
  • Letterman sweater or outerwear with coordinating colors 


Monday uniform attire or

  • Solid white or aqua polo
  • Skort (aqua plaid, aqua, or black), shorts (aqua plaid, aqua, or black), or black dress pants
  • Belt (or elastic waistband)
  • Letterman sweater or outerwear with coordinating colors 


  • University t-shirt
  • Dress code appropriate bottoms from own wardrobe

Or standard uniform attire


More About Oxford’s Uniform Policy

  • Students’ classroom University or Oxford spirit hats or caps are allowed for outdoor use only;
  • Clothes and belts must be the appropriate size and length when worn;
  • Socks, tights, and leggings should coordinate with the school uniform (coordinating colors are black, white, orange, grey, silver, and aqua);
  • All outerwear (such as jackets, hoodies, sweaters and sweatshirts) should coordinate with the school uniform (coordinating colors are black, white, grey, silver, orange, and aqua); and
  • All items, unless otherwise indicated, must be solid color.

The following items are considered inappropriate and are contrary to the Uniform Policy:

  • Clothing that contains any pattern, design, or logo that is disruptive or inappropriate, vulgar, violent, or discriminatory. Oxford does not tolerate any clothing or other personal items that promote drugs, gangs, alcohol, smoking, sex, profanity, or violence;
    Clothing which allows undergarments to be seen;
  • Distracting hair styles, such as mohawks, spiked hair and unnatural colored hair (e.g., orange, blue, green);
  • Roller shoes/Heelys;
  • Make-up for 7th and 8th graders: should be natural, light make-up only with no eyeliner and no lipstick; and
  • Clothing that is excessively large or tight.